
Northeast Ag Expo

NC Northeast Ag Expo

posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 in Events

Join us for the 2022 Northeast Ag Expo Summer Field Day on July 28, 2022!

The Field Day will be hosted by John E Ferebee Farming Inc. located at 350 Scotland Rd. Camden, NC 27921. Corn & Soybean Research will be the primary focus. This 6-county team includes Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Gates, Pasquotank, and Perquimans Counties. 

The Northeast Ag Expo Team typically hosts 2 field days each year, the Small Grain Field Day in late February/early March, and the hallmark annual event, the Northeast Ag Expo Field Day held each summer on the last Thursday in July. The field day location rotates between the 6 counties, and the commodity/commodities highlighted each year are those important to the host county.

Both field days are conducted annually through the joint efforts of producers, agribusinesses, North Carolina State University, commodity groups, and the 6-county North Carolina Cooperative Extension Centers. Since the counties involved are located in the Tidewater Region of North Carolina, the natural resources and commodities produced vary tremendously. Attendees get to view various research plots as well as benefit from presentations by Extension personnel and company representatives.

Learn More at: www.ncneagexpo.com »