
New 22B Integral Ripper

Primary Tillage
22B Integral Ripper
Key Features
  • Regular and capped ripper points
  • LaserRip™ Extreme points
  • Mole ball is used to make a tunnel drainage system
  • Heavy-duty knife
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Economical single parabolic standard ripper promotes root growth

A single parabolic standard ripper provides an economical means of shattering hardpan soil by exploding the soil upward to promote root growth:

  • Curved standard is less likely to slice through marginally moist soils than a straight standard
  • Mole ball can be attached to the standard to help drain wet soils by leaving a small tunnel under the soil
  • V-knife can be attached to the standard to effectively cut the root systems
  • Improves water percolation into the subsoil zone

Two sizes of standards are available:

  • 25 mm x 686 mm (1 in. x 27 in.)
    • Maximum working depth of 406 mm (16 in.)
  • 32 mm x 838 mm (1.25 in. x 33 in.)
    • Maximum working depth of 559 mm (22 in.)

Both standards are protected for up to 6364 kg (14,000 lb) of operating force by a 16-mm (5/8-in.) shear bolt.

Attaches to 3-point hitch

The 22B In-Line Ripper attaches to the tractor's 3-point hitch:

  • 25-mm x 686-mm (1-in. x 27-in.) standard model is compatible with Category 1, 3-point hitch tractors.
  • 32 mm x 838 mm (1.25 in. x 33-in.) standard model is compatible with Category 2 or 2/3N tractors with or without Quik-Coupler
    • 16.9-30 or larger rear tractor tires are recommended